
Whether you are currently in the market for windows or you want to learn more before you decide to buy, the Efficient Windows Collaborative provides the information you need to make an informed purchase.  These additional resources will help you choose the best product for your home that meets your needs and with peace of mind.

About Us

provides unbiased information and education to the public on the energy efficiency, technical, and human considerations that influence window selection and use. The EWC collaborates with allied organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies that promote energy efficiency in residential windows. We do not sell, service, install, or recommend products, or endorse manufacturers. Descriptions and specifications of the products in the Window Selection Tool are provided by the manufacturer. The EWC is not liable for any manufacturing defects or inaccurate product descriptions and specifications and does not guarantee the performance of NFRC-certified windows, doors, and skylights.

Contact Us
National Fenestration Rating Council
6305 Ivy Lane, Suite 410
Greenbelt, MD 20770
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