Glazing Types – Single Glazed Windows

single glazed clear glass

Single-Glazed Windows, Clear Glass

Relative to all other glazing options, single-glazed with clear glass allows the highest transfer of energy (i.e. heat loss or heat gain depending on local climate conditions) while permitting the highest daylight transmission.

Center of Glass Properties

Note: These values are for the center of glass only. They should only be used to compare the effect of different glazing types, not to compare total window products. Frame choice can drastically affect performance.

Whole Window Properties – Single-Glazed, Clear Glass

single glazed tinted glass

Whole Window Properties – Single-Glazed, Tinted Glass

The primary purpose of bronze or gray tinted glass is to reduce solar heat gain. But, it also reduces visible light as compared to clear glass or even other standard tinted glass products such as green and blue tints which offer significantly higher visible light transmission. Tinted glass is useful in controlling glare but solar heat gain and visible light transmission may be reduced relative to the performance of alternate glazing options such as low-E glass with moderate or low solar gain.

The tint has no effect on the U-factor but reduces solar heat gain which may be a benefit in the summer and a liability in the winter depending on local climate conditions.

Center of Glass Properties

Note: These values are for the center of glass only. They should only be used to compare the effect of different glazing types, not to compare total window products. Frame choice can drastically affect performance.

Whole Window Properties – Single-Glazed, Tinted Glass

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provides unbiased information and education to the public on the energy efficiency, technical, and human considerations that influence window selection and use. The EWC collaborates with allied organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies that promote energy efficiency in residential windows. We do not sell, service, install, or recommend products, or endorse manufacturers. Descriptions and specifications of the products in the Window Selection Tool are provided by the manufacturer. The EWC is not liable for any manufacturing defects or inaccurate product descriptions and specifications and does not guarantee the performance of NFRC-certified windows, doors, and skylights.

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